pepsi max uncle drew
pepsi max uncle drew

ItstarsKyrieIrvingasthetitlecharacterfromhisPepsiMaxadvertisementsthatbeganairingin2012,alongwithformerNBAplayersShaquilleO'Neal,Chris ...,,,2021年6月19日—A19-year-oldKyrieIrvingatthetimeoftheUncleDrewxPepsiMaxrelease,hadworkedonabroaderadcampaig...

Uncle Drew


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Uncle Drew

It stars Kyrie Irving as the title character from his Pepsi Max advertisements that began airing in 2012, along with former NBA players Shaquille O'Neal, Chris ...

The Genius of Pepsi's Uncle Drew Commercial Campaign

2021年6月19日 — A 19-year-old Kyrie Irving at the time of the Uncle Drew x Pepsi Max release, had worked on a broader ad campaign previously with the company.

Pepsi MAX和Kyrie Irving呈獻《球棍大叔:第二章》

... VLOG】平凡生活的美--談社群媒體與簡單生活. GrandpaJack. 949 subscribers. Uncle Drew Chapter 2: With Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love. GrandpaJack. Search. Info.

Uncle Drew

Top cast ; Kyrie Irving · Uncle Drew ; Arthur Jex · male drinking Pepsi Max ; AJ Littlejohn · Opposing Team Captain ; Maya Moore · Betty Lou ; Nate Robinson · Lights.


ItstarsKyrieIrvingasthetitlecharacterfromhisPepsiMaxadvertisementsthatbeganairingin2012,alongwithformerNBAplayersShaquilleO'Neal,Chris ...,,,2021年6月19日—A19-year-oldKyrieIrvingatthetimeoftheUncleDrewxPepsiMaxrelease,hadworkedonabroaderadcampaignpreviouslywiththecompany.,...VLOG】平凡生活的美--談社群媒體與簡單生活.GrandpaJack.949subscribers.UncleDrewChapter2:WithKyrieIrvingandKevinLove.Gran...